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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

Proletariat? Marxist? Spassky

This author, employed by the Evening Standard London, Greater London, England on Wednesday, July 12, 1972 goes off into a tangent, an overly descriptive, almost romantic obsessive description of unbridled affections for Mr. Spassky. Embarrassing actually. In prior reports, she has been particularly nasty, full of vitriolic rants, irrational hatred toward Fischer uttered in nearly every other sentence. Now, her loose tongue exposes the culprit underlying her biased reporting. Anyone who would say reporters in 1972 viciously attacking Fischer, in public newspapers, were “absent of malicious political bias” the like of Miss “Mary Kenny” should study their Marxist Dictionary a little closer. To his public embarrassment, “Mary Kenny”

Spassky, who I favour because he is a true gentleman, a «PROLETARIAT» gentleman with a stoical and introvertedly heroic streak, all quiet and anguished inside while so impeccable to the exterior world and what girls call a real man, seems tranquil and silent in all his motions.

Mary Kenny needs a thump or two. Mr. Spassky was never a member of her beloved Communist Party. As for his personal “anguished insides” Mary Kenny so desperately wishes to uncover while making a breathless spectacle of herself before all of British society... Spassky confessed in 1985, that it was her precious MOSCOW TO BLAME, behind the scenes!

Such an article certainly doesn't belong among chess columns. Better, Mary Kenny should've stuck to the Standard's “romantic fiction” section.

Proletariat? Marxist? SpasskyProletariat? Marxist? Spassky 12 Jul 1972, Wed Evening Standard (London, Greater London, England)

Bobby Fischer, Ralph Ginzburg, Barry Goldwater

Informative article(s)… balanced reporting. As many readers here are already aware, the Soviet saboteur, Ralph Ginzburg did two major muckraking pieces of yellow journalism, to destroy opponents, or perceived threats of the Soviet Union… portray them as “fascists” whilst the Soviet continued carrying on with their own anti-semitic, misogynist, homophobe, racist, gestapo boot-licking authoritarianism in the Soviet Union. The first victim, was Bobby Fischer, who was still just a teenager at the time, in the January 1962 Harper's Magazine, Ginzburg used his Soviet Payrolled paintbrush in re-making Fischer into an “antisemite, homophobic, misogynist,” traits which were NOT true of Bobby at the time, and confirmed by those who knew him.
Following that abusive article, Fischer sought out a church to join and withdrew from normal social interactions as he was then known to do… any coincidence Fischer chose a religion which kept the Saturday sabbath, like our Jewish counterparts kept? Frank Brady claimed Ginzburg was confronted, demanding evidence of the distortions alleged against Bobby, and Ginzburg, being a weasel, claimed he had burned the recordings and notes. Destroyed them, as if that exonerated him of “the burden of evidence.”
The second victim of Ralph Ginzburg was presidential candidate Barry Goldwater… unlike the pacifist Fischer, Barry Goldwater assembled a dream team of lawyers and sued Ginzburg in the supreme court, and won. The American Psychological Association was so embarrassed by Ginzburg's abuse of professional psychology, mailing out surveys to psychologists whom ethically NONE, should have responded, the APA changed their standards of conduct. Professionals are not to disclose “public” opinions with persons of whom they've neither acquainted as a client, or obtained consent. But a few licensed quacks did respond and Ginzburg cherrypicked the few surveys from unethical practitioners, discarding those surveys which didn't convey what he wanted to hear.
In his 1964 smear campaign in “FACT” magazine, Ginzburg proceeded to report things that were knowingly untrue, and this was presented in court. Ginzburg appealed to prejudices rampant at the time (i.e., Portraying Goldwater as a h****exual, to appeal to mainstream prejudice and bigotries. In the era, Psychologists classified the behavior among “mental illnesses”.) Ginzburg's tactic was a mirror of his Soviet employer, “…During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used to disable and remove from society political opponents (“dissidents”) who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted the official dogma.” (Soviet Legal and Criminological Debates on the Decriminalization of Homo*exuality) “…In the late 1950s and early 1960s, almost three decades after consensual…was declared a crime in the USSR…any deviations from “normal” …were condemned and criminalized by Soviet law.” (So Ralph Ginzburg really had some nerve, attempting to blacken Goldwater for supposedly being one (Goldwater fought till late in his life for the civil rights of the gay community serving in military)… whilst Ginzburg attempted to paint Bobby as a homophobe.)

Here's an insightful bit of history on Goldwater. NOT what the Soviet Union and certain establishment troublemakers have tried so hard, to present Goldwater to be… who did in fact, have a long-standing history of fighting FOR Civil Rights… unlike most of his ultra-conservative counterparts, his record demonstrates he fought against discrimination till his old age.

“…A member of the NAACP and active supporter of desegregation in Phoenix, Goldwater voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but reluctantly opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, believing one of its provisions to be unconstitutional and a potential overreach of the …”

“…Most of the twenty-seven senators who voted against the Civil Rights Act were Southern segregationists. Goldwater was not a segregationist, nor was he any kind of racist. He was, in fact, a lifelong opponent of racial discrimination. At the beginning of his political career, as a city councilman, he had led the fight to end segregation in the Phoenix public schools; his first staff assistant when he went to the Senate, as Perlstein tells us, was a black woman; he was a member of the N.A.A.C.P. Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act because he believed, as a conservative, that the federal government did not have the power to compel states to conform to its idea of racial equality, or to dictate to individuals whom they must associate with.”

“…Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the clear frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, announces on the Senate floor that he will vote against the civil rights bill.
Goldwater specifically objects to the public accommodations and employment parts of the bill, calling them an usurption of power by the federal government and says they “require for their effective execution the creation of a police state.”
He reiterates that he is opposed to discrimination of any kind, and points out that he voted for the civil rights bills of 1957 and 1960. But he says his conscience cannot let him vote for a bill he argues is clearly unconstitutional.
The next day, by a vote of 73-27, the Senate passes the bill. President Johnson will sign it into law on July 2.
Goldwater will win the GOP presidential nomination on the first ballot in San Francisco on July 15. He will suffer a crushing defeat in November at the hands of Johnson." Flashback This Day in 1964 Goldwater says no to Civil Rights Bill

Back to the New Yorker article, on the effectiveness of 1960's political propaganda:

“…Anti-([SOVIET IMPERIALISM]) was also undoubtedly the leading sentiment among many of the conservative groups… whose agitation helped seed the ground for the Goldwater insurgency. The decision to campaign against Goldwater as a dangerous warmonger seems logical today, but that is largely because of the effectiveness of the campaign. Goldwater is remembered as a man who proposed using nuclear weapons in Vietnam BECAUSE THAT IS HOW LYNDON JOHNSON WISHED HIM TO BE REMEMBERED. Most Americans who voted for Goldwater, though, did not do so because of his position on Vietnam and the worldwide Communist conspiracy. They voted for him because of his position on an issue THAT JOHNSON WANTED TO KEEP AS FAR FROM the center of the campaign as he decently could. This was the issue of race.”

A situation full of pitfalls… I am guilty, just as Bobby Fischer and Goldwater, of being a stickler for U.S. Constitutional Law.

Why leave out the half of Goldwater's biography, where he spent most of his life, fighting FOR Civil Rights? Even when the NAACP were opposing Goldwater in 1964, the Rev. Martin Luther King, it is said, acknowledged that Goldwater was NOT a racist:

“…King said of Goldwater’s voting record, “While NOT HIMSELF A RACIST, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racists” (King, 16 July 1964). King feared that Goldwater’s position that “civil rights must be left, by and large to the states” meant “leaving it to the Wallaces and the Barnetts” (King, “The Republican Presidential Nomination”). Electing Goldwater, King said, would plunge the country into a “dark night of social disruption” (King, 21 September 1964).”

“…To many, Mr. Goldwater was a man of contradictions. He ended racial segregation in his family department stores, and he was instrumental in ending it in Phoenix schools and restaurants and in the Arizona National Guard. But he also voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, contending that it was unconstitutional, and he backed restrictive amendments to earlier civil rights legislation. Blacks voted overwhelmingly against him in 1964.
Mr. Goldwater's relations with the news media were never smooth. He often complained that what he said was misinterpreted or distorted or both. During the 1964 campaign, reporters sometimes complained that Goldwater aides asked them to “write what he means, not what he says.” Mr. Goldwater said he would have voted against himself in 1964 if he believed everything that had been written or said on radio and television about him.”

Russia's Anti-SemitismRussia's Anti-Semitism 30 Sep 1964, Wed The Daily News (Lebanon, Pennsylvania)

Informative article(s)... balanced reporting. As many readers here are already aware, the Soviet saboteur, Ralph...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Tuesday, June 22, 2021

White House Denies... again.

Reporters, eager to flip a buck make stories up from thin air. There were rumors floating around in 1972, but many were never proven and that's why those stories never made it as far as an official news agency. Even then, every report must be regarded with caution, because most of what's getting reported from thousands of miles away… is rubbish.
This "rumor" was investigated, and mentioned alone in this one op-ed, and sole intent was meant to smear Fischer. Had there been any truth to such a rumor, it would have made front page news and would've been covered in 200 Associated Press Syndicated publications. Here's just one example, culled from a defamatory article, claiming the "White House denied" the rumors. I believe that may be an isolated fact.
The allegations that Henry Kissinger supposedly intervened in Bobby Fischer's affairs... was flatly denied by the White House and until I see a more credible source, than one of Moscow's sycophant journalists; for instance, the New York Times perhaps, stating the “White House confirmed” Kissinger, “this” or “that,” I have no reason to be anything but skeptical.
I've read false reports on the web, claiming Kissinger called Fischer in New York telling him to get on the airplane which is nonsense.
Readers of this page, saw the reports. Jim Slater, the millionaire sent word to Fischer's lawyer, Paul Marshall, that he would (match the offer made by Australia), raise the prize to $225,000 . . . and by this, many newspaper articles confirm, Fischer THEN agreed to make his appearance in Reykjavik.
Fischer's move had nothing to do with Henry Kissinger.

The Pantagraph Bloomington, Illinois Monday, July 10, 1972.

“The White House has denied that Henry Kissinger intervened with Fischer to get the written apology.”

Larry Evans and White Supremacy

I've acquired a strong distaste for Larry Evans, up to this point, I read where Bobby Fischer had some biting criticism of Larry's distortions, one too many times. Larry's op-ed opinions always contain far too many embellishments and exaggeration, or outright makes junk up to peddle sensational headlines for profits. I do not like Evans, simple as that. I agree with Bobby on Larry's character/personality. Here was Evans' golden opportunity to confront Racism in Chess, and he flopped. I think he's using a Red Herring fallacy to avoid discussing acts of real racism against minorities. I haven't clipped his entire series of chess columns, but as I do, I will certainly keep score on how often he addresses this question. He acts to cover up racism, not to weed it out.

“…It had to happen. Someone is claiming that chess is racist! Bill Ware, who teaches Algebra Chess at A&M College in Baton Rouge, La., thinks its unfair that white always moves first while black must fight for equality.
“By saying that white automatically is offensive, it states that white is better than black,” said Ware.
He plans on erasing racism…”
- Larry Evans… upholding the status quo, suggesting there is no racism in the chess world, with his argument fallacies.

As for me, I've pondered this question and have concluded, Chess (the game) is NOT racist by itself, giving “White” the first move… rather that “first move” is an ACT OF AGGRESSION, is it not? Look back in history, for whom most always made the first act of aggression where racial divisions were involved? I speak of Kings and Queens sending in Armies, to capture land and resources and slaves, and claiming it in the name of the (European/Russian) monarchs... This observation on the game of Chess and its relation to real history, is absurdly accurate.

Larry Evans, White Supremacist Fails To Confront Real RacismLarry Evans, White Supremacist Fails To Confront Real Racism 23 May 2004, Sun South Florida Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)

Start here…

1537 — “Pope Paul III forbids slavery of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and any other population to be discovered, establishing their right to freedom and property…”

I've acquired a strong distaste for Larry Evans, up to this point, I read where Bobby Fischer had some biting criticism...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, June 20, 2021

Red Emma

To those familiar with my story (, which I put online, at no charge, (yes, I have my own record of events in 1990's newspapers, same time period as Bobby… I did the same thing he began doing after we left the Worldwide Church of God)… here is an old video clip, that was a part of my long, long search for truth about “who” the Bolsheviks were. “Red Emma”. What I see here, now, today, is an elderly lady being used… manipulated by millionaire industrialist elite, being exploited as a mouthpiece to sanctify their power… I see a very naive, gullible lady. It was not so when me and I'm 100% positive, Bobby Fischer knew the name of Emma Goldman. For, in those fictional accounts provided in Nazi Literature, they would have us to wrongly believe, Emma Goldman was fighting to establish “Jewish Dominance” in the USSR (the Nazis wrongly interpret the Soviet Union as built for “Jews” who went about “annihilating Christians and other religions”. The Bolsheviks had no religion. They were anti-religion, and viciously persecuted genuine Jews… if anything, they and their friend Adolf Hitler, “created” the needed excuse for the Christian Zionists, and their Imperial Industrialist colonization policies, in American/British empires, to continue their expansion into new territories for global real estate!)

In fact, Emma Goldman was an idealist, an Atheist, she criticized the church, and she protested for human rights… September 1901, one of her fiery speeches for Socialism was blamed for the Russian, Leon Czolgosz assassinating the U.S. President William McKinley, executed by the chair. Emma Goldman was deported back to Russia… and it was there, she witnessed the treacherous betrayal of Russia. Lenin and Trotsky, were paid Imperial spies, financed by Imperial Germany, and Wall Street's ilk. They brought in American industries to profit off the sweat, tears and poverty of the enslaved Russian people. Emma Goldman left Russia, and published such works as “There is no Communism([Socialism]) in Russia” — “My Disillusionment In Russia” what the USSR was calling “Socialism” was a fake, a fraud… and Emma knew it. What she witnessed, built from the fallen Tsarist Russian Empire was the establishment of Soviet EMPIRE… where the few profit, at the expense of the many. Starvation continued, lack of access to basic human needs, suffering was widespread and prevailed with Lenin's and Stalin's iron heel at the neck of the people.

Nazi Literature portrays Emma Goldman as one of the “Jews” who enslaved Russia, and tyrannically brought the iron heel of Soviet tyranny down on the necks of the Russian people… spreading the Soviet's network of worldwide subversives out to enslave the world in some kind of “Judeo-Bolshevik World Conspiracy” which is absolute nonsense. Nazis depend on PARTIAL facts, mixed with layers and layers of illusions and false interpretations to prey on the vulnerable… whom, for lack of historical education, fall into the trap, like Bobby Fischer did… I admit I too, did… and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of otherwise, good people… have been duped into belief of this blatant deception which has been going non-stop for a century, and the billionaires will do nothing to stop this myth from spreading. It makes for the excuse to approve 3.8 billion USD, annually to waste for “military sales” for use in Israel. That's much too profitable to the munitions dealers… claiming they're “protecting Jews” when in fact they're simply using imported humans as foot soldiers to clear land, and doing absolutely NOTHING to educate the public about this “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy Myth” to really PROTECT Jews, or change the history books in Elementary School to equip children from the start, with knowledge about this era in history, to prevent the spread of such Nazi myths!

Emma Goldman was one of the most profound critics of the Soviet Imperial beast. Here she is, being used… USED… by Roosevelt, who would act as “Uncle Joe Stalin's” good friend in Washington, leader of the American Empire — to cover for Stalin's crimes against the people of Russia and Soviet Satellites, and the tens of thousands of victims in Poland. Goldman was USED as a mouthpiece, Propaganda, to quench the flames of Socialist revolt in America. She was given a “90 Day Pass” by Roosevelt's clan, as a guest in America, to be used for the industrialists and other aristocratic types, to throw retardant on the flames of revolution.

She admits as much, by the very title of her work, “My Disillusionment in Russia,” she was an idealist and became “Disillusioned” after seeing her dream of the poor and disadvantaged being lifted from their plight and circumstances, such “idealism” would never be so. Of course not. I consider myself quite cynical by now.

Here in America, she was given a grand tour, by the industrialists and their representative Roosevelt, doing “just enough” to satisfy her criticism… to say something to broadcast, and make those civil rights activists shut up, and go home.

The millions of Socialists that had operated during the time of the “Second International” prior to World War I, were perceived as a real threat to aristocrats, worldwide… and they had to be eliminated. Lenin/Stalin eliminated the real socialists in Russia/Eastern Europe, and later, Hitler would rise to power in their footsteps, and eliminate the genuine socialists in Western Europe.

Emma Goldman's words, her warnings about what was taking place in Russia, fell mostly on deaf ears. The Socialist movement, worldwide, was hijacked by Lenin's Bolshevik party… so-called “Marxist-Leninism”… which has a history of appealing to the poor, the downtrodden, the disillusioned… then leading them to their demise through poverty, enslavement or worked to death in labor camps.

To those familiar with my story (, which I put online, at no charge, (yes, I...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, June 19, 2021

Fischer Demands "Green Stones" Instead of Green Stones!

This annoying little Reuters reporter says anything. And I do mean any thing, with no regard whether there's a shred of truth to it. My patience wears thin. Here he is, again, reporting one of Fischer's “demands” is to change the color of the stones, to the color the organizers are already using, and have been, from day one.

Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Friday, June 30, 1972
“…Fischer and Spassky, at a chess board made of WHITE AND GREEN Icelandic stones and seated in specially constructed chairs, will be placed on the stage in the hall.”

El Paso Herald-Post El Paso, Texas Monday, July 10, 1972
“…The chess board, made of GREEN AND WHITE Icelandic stones, has been an issue from the start. The organizers treated it with acid to take the glare off it.
Fischer is not satisfied with the board, however, and he also feels ([in agreement with the Russians]) the chess pieces are too small in relation, Cramer said."

“… Fischer said he liked green squares instead of black…”??

WHAT “black” squares when several times, other news agencies reported already the squares were 1) White and 2) Green.

Fischer Likes Green Stones Instead of Green Stones Already Being UsedFischer Likes Green Stones Instead of Green Stones Already Being Used 11 Jul 1972, Tue Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas)

International Chess

Judging by the tone of the author, his intent sounds somewhat genuine, but appears to be another American dupe, blissfully unaware he's merely rehashing Soviet Propaganda among the floods of derogatory Soviet fabrications printed in Western media, and is now guilty of recycling the same false stories, without even realizing it. He does not have his facts together. He failed to do any research or background investigation. Just read, repeat, recycle. Read, repeat, recycle. Very lazy.

International Chess
The general public's interest in chess is not too great at best. Most persons know it to be a game of intellectual skill and tactics.
The public's interest level goes up when an American gets to play for the world championship, especially against a Russian. ([and that's precisely why the Soviet saboteurs in Western Media have been pressing hard to strike back with vicious invective to malign Bobby, and knock out his support base]). There is some national pride at stake, so Americans want their man to do well.
And no doubt America's Bobby Fischer, who finally sat down to begin playing Russia's Boris Spassky in Iceland today, will do well. At 29, he is hailed as a chess genius.
But the public hasn't much patience with... ([all the details preceding the match, being suppressed such as failure to inform the American public, what exactly led up to Robert Fischer's retaliation. The background stories made it into the NY Times, but not much farther. The news media suppressed coverage of the dirty underhanded tricks and schemes by the Soviet organizers, carried on for months before Fischer stepped foot in Iceland. After which, when Fischer retaliates to the Soviet schemes and plots, suddenly, Soviet saboteurs go into damage control mode, unleashing a flood of unsavory nonsense in American and British newspapers... as if it “Fischer's reactions just came out of the blue”. Fails to elaborate on the finicky, overbearing demands and complaints of European organizers that led up to the match, refusing for months to properly communicate with Robert Fischer man to man to sort out details before match. Informs Fischer there's a contract he's neither seen nor read, but barks he must consent to it anyway. Belgrade's illegal demand of 35K USD "guarantee" refused by USCF! Australia's legal $225K bid snubbed by Russia, threatening they "would not play". USSR selecting Anti-American, RACIST Iceland who restricted entry of blacks and schemes to inhibit news coverage. Plot, by spreading gossip and idle rumors meant to incite anger spread by European organizers with goal of disqualifying Fischer and replace with the Soviet, Petrosian, etc. The western media left all those stinky, underhanded double-dealing, unethical stunts pulled by Soviet Chess Federation, out of the headlines for some odd reason!])

Rehashed Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSRRehashed Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR 11 Jul 1972, Tue Longview Daily News (Longview, Washington)

Soviet Icelandic Trampling of Free Press

The Icelanders are taking all this fairly philosophically ([with their deeply-ingrained, Pro-Soviet seething hatred of Americans]). The president of the host federation, Gudmundur Thorarinsson, on being quoted a local proverb to the effect that after one or two waves there is always a third, replied: “Here in Iceland, we are used to the breaking of the great Atlantic ([Anti-American]) waves.” ([The same goes for your organized antisemitic, chauvinist, racist cover-ups.])
One of the outstanding financial disputes appears now to have been settled satisfactorily. The Fischer camp had complained about the contract between the organizers and a U.S. Impresario ([Chester Fox, a Soviet liaison who sought to black-out coverage of Bobby Fischer opening a can of whoop*** on Soviet arrogance, by restricting coverage, bury the humiliating defeat of the Soviet Union's egotism, and placed noisy camera men throughout the hall, guaranteeing Bobby Fischer would shut them down = achieving Zero Cameras, just as the Soviets schemed!]) giving him ([Fox]) exclusive rights to move-by-move coverage of the match.
([Nothing can be reported without Soviet approval. So as you see dear friends and neighbors, it wasn't Bobby Fischer at all to blame as the Soviet saboteurs have tried to mislead through disinformation, to explain the absence of coverage, the trampling of Constitutional rights to free press. It was the result of Soviet meddling and manipulation. Fischer did not want this.])
Iceland officials said one of Fischer's lawyers, Andrew Davies, had now signed a statement that he was agreeable to the arrangement. ([Through arm-twisting ultimatums, finicky demands and bullying by Soviet and Icelandic chess officials. WHAT… WILL OUR MAN, BOBBY DO NOW? Just sit back and allow the Soviet bullies to order a noisy camera man to cram a camera in Fischer's face, running roughshod over Fischer's concentration while wiping their Gestapo boots all over the concept of Democracy and a Constitutional right to a Free Press?])
Spassky appears to be more relaxed now than a few days ago ([upset, because Moscow was breathing down his back, as Spassky reported in 1985]) — he had a salmon-fishing break at the weekend — but Fischer remains the favorite among the majority of chess experts here.

Soviet Icelandic Trampling of Free PressRecycled Soviet "Anti-American" Political Invective and Smear Campaign 11 Jul 1972, Tue Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas)

CARSON: Now what about the cameras over there Bob? Now you hear about all this about you'd agreed they could film this, and then you kept changing the camera man was Vladivostok someplace, or …
What was the real story?

FISCHER: I was more disappointed than anybody that this thing wasn't televised because, you know, there was a lot of publicity and a lot of money involved and I wanted the people to see me in action. Let's face it. But they had these characters there, who instead of having, some kind of video tape film that didn't make any noise, just, nobody around to operate them, just sort of stationless and they just had guys there with film cameras that were worrying, and they were all around me. Making a racket. A nuisance.

CARSON: Too much noise.

FISCHER: Too much noise, and visually you could see them moving around.
- Fischer 1 Camera 0 (Reykjavik, Iceland)

Another Soviet-Paid Propaganda Paragraph Trying to Turn Americans Away From Supporting The American Champion

Failed to elaborate on European organizers refusing to iron out pre-match details with Fischer. Or, Belgrade's illegal 35K USD demand the USCF refused to shell up. The $225K Australian bid USSR snubbed by USSR demanding Euwe renege on his promise to outside countries like Australia and Mexico whose whopping bids made Iceland look like peanuts. USSR selecting Anti-American, Racist Iceland who restricts blacks because it offered the least incentive to Fischer. Noisy camera men selected to distract Fischer. Icelandic restrictions on news agencies to censor detailed worldwide coverage. Plot to disqualify Fischer and replace with Petrosian. So much MORE under-handed, double-tongued, bad faith and poor sportsmanship!

Robert Fischer was not to blame for the decline of national interest in American chess circles when he finally let these troublemakers have their way, and walked out from professional competition in 1975. Americans, unfaithful to their own players were entirely to blame. Not interested in chess, rather, to target Fischer with their smear campaigns and working to promote interests of a foreign government. Traitors to their own people.

Rehashed Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSRRehashed Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR 11 Jul 1972, Tue The Rock Island Argus (Moline, Illinois)

Nixon Finishes Lovey-Dovey Tour with His Soviet Pals

Nixon had just finished up his lovey-dovey tour with his good Soviet friends. Even gifting the people of the Faux Socialist Empire with an exquisite chessboard and chessmen, only fit for the King of chess, whilst bugging the tech out of American citizens' political rivals' headquarters… passing laws that targeted and criminalized black Americans. Nixon wouldn't even extend a white house invitation to a dinner, to our national hero and newly crowned world chess champion, Robert J. Fischer for his great victory over the Soviet Union. Nixon had his head too far up Moscow to think straight and will soon be charged with treasonous offenses and threat of impeachment for his Watergate scandal. He resigned before the book could be thrown at him. Nixon loved lavishing praise and good will on the Soviet Empire and its minions, even giving a free pass to the Soviet, as Kissinger states in passing about Jews being placed in gas chambers by the Soviet Union, was 'not an American concern' (caught on tape… Nixon was a raving antisemite). Whilst scoring many brownie points with the Soviet, Nixon passed on demonstrating basic respects due to American citizens.

(WATERGATE) Hearing on Bugging Suit Worries Nixon Campaigners(WATERGATE) Hearing on Bugging Suit Worries Nixon Campaigners 11 Jul 1972, Tue Fremont Tribune (Fremont, Nebraska) Hearing on Bugging Suit Worries Nixon CampaignersHearing on Bugging Suit Worries Nixon Campaigners 11 Jul 1972, Tue Fremont Tribune (Fremont, Nebraska)

Unbelievable Inhospitality from Reykjavik

“Luxury hotel suites usually offer bigger windows, larger wardrobes, more spacious seats (couches, sofas), more space in the bathroom (larger bathtub, huge walk-in showers) and go on. The size difference is also discoverable in the outside part of the suites.”

“Though Fischer wanted to play in New York(?) ([WRONG! Both Fischer and Spassky knew their home countries; New York and Moscow, were out of the question and even Fischer said he would NOT want to play in Brooklyn,]) he agreed to Iceland ([under protest.]) This has been presented as a concession by Fischer's entourage. He agreed to come to Iceland, but he refused to move in with the Chinese. ([GET THAT… MOVE IN WITH THE CHINESE!!! Did anyone ask the Chinese how they felt about the Icelandic Chess Federation being so cheap and stingy, having Fischer's American entourage forced into their suite, and burdened upon them?!]) Allocated a $63-a-day suite in Reykjavik's biggest hotel, Fischer boycotted the place because the newly arrived Chinese diplomatic representation was staying there. He stayed in a villa on the edge of town until the Chinese moved out."

In other words, plain English, Bobby Fischer waited patiently for the suite to become vacant, then he politely accepted the space for his entourage which is entirely the NORMAL way things are done in civilized countries.

Unbelievable Inhospitality from ReykjavikUnbelievable Inhospitality from Reykjavik 11 Jul 1972, Tue Newsday (Suffolk Edition) (Melville, New York)

I asked my daughter, if she were participating in an international Anime team convention and under the belief the host country would put her American team into their own quarters, but upon arrival informed they're putting her team in a “suite” to “live with” business men from a foreign country? After some thought, she replied, “I would leave.”

How's that for another American Fischer?!

More Soviet-Inspired Propaganda About Living Arrangements at Reykjavik

According to this scurrilous Soviet payrolled reporter, Fischer didn't want to “move in” and “live with the Chinese” delegation. So, we're being notified in this more detailed article the inhospitable Soviet-Icelandic Chess Federation officials were going to shove Fischer and his entourage into the Chinese' quarters, as an inconvenience to the Chinese delegation and their entourage. ([But the Soviet payroll author doesn't feel the need to mention Iceland's ban on people of color, blacks not welcome in Iceland ... because Icelanders do not want to “live with the Africans”. So very racist.]) Did Iceland force Boris Spassky and his entourage to live with a foreign government, which held principles contrary to official Soviet policies? But of course not! Yet this in-hospitality is being twisted in a way to reflect poorly on Bobby Fischer… with mental gymnastics, perhaps. A thing Soviet propaganda seems to specialize in. Did anyone bother asking the Chinese if they wanted a whole team of Americans forced into, and intruding on their housing space? … or, was it because the Soviet spawned Icelanders were so racist, they believed the state of being non-white, entitled the Asian race to inferior treatment, such as demanding adequate space for one's self and privacy in personal accommodations? THIS twisted logic, turning inside out, and upside-down, is sole chaotic purpose behind Soviet reporting. They thought this incident could be twisted to “make Fischer look bad” but instead, as an American, all I see here is Bobby Fischer RESPECTING the space and privacy of the Chinese, and disrespect shown to both the Chinese and the Americans, by the Soviet-Icelanders!

I would have done exactly as Bobby Fischer did. Americans, who understand respect for personal boundaries of others, would too. Meanwhile, the Soviet would haul its citizens to the Gulag for checking out the wrong book at a public library!

Recycled Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSRRecycled Soviet Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR 11 Jul 1972, Tue Newsday (Suffolk Edition) (Melville, New York)

To add a little more insight, I visited Europe back in the mid 1990s for my own understanding, for about 5 or 6 months. What I saw was people cramped together... there might be 3 families living packed together in a "flat"... sharing one bathroom! To afford personal space, one must be fairly wealthy and independent.
In America.... we don't typically do that. We like our space spread out... we like our individualism and privacy. WE VALUE our privacy and space... especially from meddling governments.
So that Icelandic-Soviet chess regime was really very VERY guilty of offenses and cultural misunderstandings toward Robert J. Fischer and his fellow Americans in his entourage! Likewise, for the Chinese who deserved every equal respect for their space and privacy.

Open wide... another shovel full of it will soon be on the way.

Another Damned Lie About Bobby's Complaints About the Chess Boards at Reykjavik

->“Fischer wants a chessboard with green squares.”<--

LiarLiar 11 Jul 1972, Tue Red Deer Advocate (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada)

The Soviet was paying clowns like this guy to publish this all too easily refuted invective?

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Fort Worth, Texas 10 Jul 1972, Monday: (Reuter) “All that remains … is the Icelandic stone chessboard which he apparently does not like, preferring a wooden ([plain, shades of brown]) one.”

Fischer Gets Special ChairFischer Gets Special Chair 10 Jul 1972, Mon Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas)

Organizers in Iceland and Soviets disliked the boards (plural) too… applying acid because the squares were too shiny. The Soviet/Icelandic organizers went through THREE BOARDS before Fischer had a chance to agree with the Russians about the size of the squares on the fourth board, being too large. As Isaac Kashdan warned about reports coming out of Reykjavik, remain “sceptical”. I am highly skeptical.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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