I've acquired a strong distaste for Larry Evans, up to this point, I read where Bobby Fischer had some biting criticism of Larry's distortions, one too many times. Larry's op-ed opinions always contain far too many embellishments and exaggeration, or outright makes junk up to peddle sensational headlines for profits. I do not like Evans, simple as that. I agree with Bobby on Larry's character/personality. Here was Evans' golden opportunity to confront Racism in Chess, and he flopped. I think he's using a Red Herring fallacy to avoid discussing acts of real racism against minorities. I haven't clipped his entire series of chess columns, but as I do, I will certainly keep score on how often he addresses this question. He acts to cover up racism, not to weed it out.
“…It had to happen. Someone is claiming that chess is racist! Bill Ware, who teaches Algebra Chess at A&M College in Baton Rouge, La., thinks its unfair that white always moves first while black must fight for equality.- Larry Evans… upholding the status quo, suggesting there is no racism in the chess world, with his argument fallacies.
“By saying that white automatically is offensive, it states that white is better than black,” said Ware.
He plans on erasing racism…”
As for me, I've pondered this question and have concluded, Chess (the game) is NOT racist by itself, giving “White” the first move… rather that “first move” is an ACT OF AGGRESSION, is it not? Look back in history, for whom most always made the first act of aggression where racial divisions were involved? I speak of Kings and Queens sending in Armies, to capture land and resources and slaves, and claiming it in the name of the (European/Russian) monarchs... This observation on the game of Chess and its relation to real history, is absurdly accurate.
Start here…
1537 — “Pope Paul III forbids slavery of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and any other population to be discovered, establishing their right to freedom and property…”
I've acquired a strong distaste for Larry Evans, up to this point, I read where Bobby Fischer had some biting criticism...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, June 20, 2021