Failed to elaborate on European organizers refusing to iron out pre-match details with Fischer. Or, Belgrade's illegal 35K USD demand the USCF refused to shell up. The $225K Australian bid USSR snubbed by USSR demanding Euwe renege on his promise to outside countries like Australia and Mexico whose whopping bids made Iceland look like peanuts. USSR selecting Anti-American, Racist Iceland who restricts blacks because it offered the least incentive to Fischer. Noisy camera men selected to distract Fischer. Icelandic restrictions on news agencies to censor detailed worldwide coverage. Plot to disqualify Fischer and replace with Petrosian. So much MORE under-handed, double-tongued, bad faith and poor sportsmanship!
Robert Fischer was not to blame for the decline of national interest in American chess circles when he finally let these troublemakers have their way, and walked out from professional competition in 1975. Americans, unfaithful to their own players were entirely to blame. Not interested in chess, rather, to target Fischer with their smear campaigns and working to promote interests of a foreign government. Traitors to their own people.