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• Robert J. Fischer, 1974 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1975 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

Chess Group Bans South Africa

“…president of the South African Chess Federation, told reporters he regretted the decision. It came seven months after a FIDE meeting in Haifa, Israel, readmitted South Africa…”

The tendencies of FIDE officials showering favoritism upon racist regimes, whether FIDE in 1972, supporting the Soviet selection of Iceland which placed harsh restrictions on persons of African (black) descent, or current FIDE officials doling out vindictive threats of punishment upon the chess players who make a stand against Racist injustice, Apartheid and crimes against Human Rights, based on their moral convictions and personal principles. The unseemly behavior of current FIDE officials is not at all shocking, considering their stained history.

The Montgomery Advertiser Montgomery, Alabama Monday, July 25, 1977 - Page 5

Chess Group Bans South Africa
Lucerne, Switzerland (AP) — The International Chess Federation voted Sunday to temporarily expel South Africa for the second time in three years because of its racial policies.
About 20 delegates that supported South Africa walked out of the special session of the congress after the vote. U.S. representatives did not attend the congress.
The vote came on whether the South African federation should be excluded from competition or from all federation activities. Most Socialist and Third World countries voted to exclude South Africa from all activities and won 28-23.
Leonard Reitstein, president of the South African Chess Federation, told reporters he regretted the decision. It came seven months after a FIDE meeting in Haifa, Israel, readmitted South Africa, which had first been expelled in 1974.

Chess Group Bans South AfricaChess Group Bans South Africa 25 Jul 1977, Mon The Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Alabama)

Colonel Ed Edmondson Memorable Quote

“Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.”
Colonel Ed Edmondson, official of the United States Chess Federation who helped to draft the so-called “Amsterdam Agreement”. Setting the record straight, just as Soviet disinformation was inundating American newspapers.

Colonel Ed Edmondson Memorable Quote

Soviet Disinformation... Until the "Real Narrative" No Longer Remains

This nonsense is being reported in the newspapers, July 16, 1972 and appears to be the opposite of real events because Fischer simply never “withdrew his objections” to disruptive camera men hovering over him from the roof, at the side of the stage, et cetera, along with the false claim those organizers in Iceland and the Soviet were “scrambling to save the chess match” when they'd done everything, including outright breech of contract and rule-breaking, to derail the match, before it began, months earlier. “Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Col. Ed Edmondson, US Chess Federation.

Call it an act of “Soviet Saving Face”… ah! “Fischer gave in to the Soviets,” did he? “Withdraws objection.” Really?! because up till this point, they've published a flood of derogatory stories, disinforming the public with the wrong belief Iceland Chess Fed's contract with Soviet collaborator Chester Fox, supercedes the fact, “Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Col. Ed Edmondson, US Chess Federation., and Fischer's lawyer has now arrived in Reykjavik to pursue the matter in a court of law…

Ooo my! Can't have that! It has been said of Soviet Disinformation, the objective is to disinform the public with so many false narratives, rumors, and fictional accounts in mass media, until it becomes impossible to discern the “true narrative” with the general public to suppose even, a true narrative can never be found! However, we do know Fischer got his demand that the Cameras be removed from further tormenting him, met. After which, Soviet collaborator Chester Fox turned around and hounds Fischer with a 3.2 million dollar lawsuit for years to come (but not the Icelandic Chess Federation??!) Fischer was, after all, well within his rights and permitted in the rules, to object to the crews of disruptive men operating the cameras.

Following this report (which says one thing), the third match went on with quite another thing actually happening.

So much for this false news report, Fischer supposedly “Withdraws Objection” to disruptive camera men scoring some free points for the Soviet Union.

Soviet Disinformation... Until the 'Real Narrative' No Longer Remains

Germano-Bolshevism and Bobby Fischer

The chess establishment has done nothing of significance, or substance for that matter, to enlighten the chess world, one iota as to what Robert J. Fischer was on about with his warnings of world doom when he spoke of the “Bolsheviks” and their ‘world conspirings’. I will leave it up to people to find the initiative to do the research for themselves, from credible peer-reviewed sources such as original historical documentation and insight composed by trustworthy historical scholars. And beware the Soviet sympathizers, they outright deny the fact that a paper trail of bank notes and memorandum directly links the Pan-Germanic Empire during World War I, to the traitors against the Socialist Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky ( who brought ruin to Russia and Europe, following the Revolution carried out by citizens of Russia who deposed the aristocratic Tsar and then followed with a new democratically elected Alexander Kerensky as the leader of the Russian Provisional Government.
The traitors, Lenin, Trotsky and some of the Bolsheviks, who were spies, Imperialist traitors did not want the free democratic government established by the Russian people. No, they wanted more Imperialism, and founded the Soviet Empire, with the backing of German Imperialism. Lenin was transported back into Russia via aide of the German Reichsbank, and overthrew the Russian people then began methodically eliminating all opponents of the Bolsheviks, including many Bolsheviks among them who opposed Lenin. A Socialist, Fanya Kaplan did her part to attempt liquidation of the traitor Lenin, but unfortunately he survived a short season, only to be succeeded by the tyrant Stalin. With the help of Lenin's loyal, admirer, Adolf Hitler, millions of Socialists were brought to their demise and erased from history. Then, Hitler would re-educate the world to wrongly believe the Germano-Bolshevik treason, was an act of “Judeo-Bolshevism” through long-winded tyrades and harping, blaming the Jews for the destruction of Russia which led to the Holocaust. But on the contrary, the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy Myth” is just that: A Myth to divert blame off the German Empire and further unsavory agendas, with a double-edge purpose so that Industrialist shills like Lenin, Stalin, and tyranny inc., were bedecked in stolen plumage, for every form of worldwide social progress, justice and equity achieved, would be credited to tyrants, throughout the next century. i.e., Martin Luther King was NO SUPPORTER OF BOLSHEVISM, yet Soviet loyalists often make their rounds on social media stamping their hammer and sickle on MLK's legacy whilst Nazis fill their quota of political disinformation, to misguide people into the false assumption “the only Socialism, is Soviet.”
Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist, and no Soviet Communist. See “Lovett Forte-Whiteman”. In Soviet Russia, King would've been declared an enemy of the state and worked in Gulag slave labor and starved to death. Deny as they will, the documents exist linking the Bolsheviks to Capitalist financiers who profited very well from the enslavement of Russia.. and those documents were no “forgery” as Soviet and their Nazi “comrades” have worked so diligently, spreading disinformation throughout the world and misled many. Soviets must protect the identity of their true financial backers, and war upon disadvantaged classes of people.

How America (Wall Street Industrialists) Helped Build The Soviet Machine

Germano-Bolshevism and Bobby Fischer

A Public Disgrace

Question the Soviet Disinformation! “Fact” they say? Journey back to just a few months earlier when Australia was putting $200,000 prize money on the line along with an easy $25,000 for organization expenses. Because Australia knew, the WORLD WAS WATCHING and willing to pay astronomically in ticket sales, tourist attractions, and photographers around the world were itching to pour in to film the young chess geniuses… the tournament, which would lead to EVEN MORE PUBLICITY and more tourist revenue. The Soviet Union had to put a stop to it. So, erase this silly claim from your mind about “photography rights” being the “only possible hope” for a meager $125,000 bid offered for any chess tournament with Fischer. Mexico and Australia's bids were MUCH LARGER. Iceland's bid was the palest by contrast, so do a journey back in your mind, to the Spring of 1972… and Iceland cast it's $125,000 bid. Right? There were no “movie rights” contract with a Chester Fox.
The “photography rights” Scam came later and when journalists around the world learned of it, they were outraged! Unconstitutionally barred from entry into the stadium with their cameras…courtesy of the USSR in its agenda to bury “freedom of the press” and coverage of the match.
Recall the Spring of 1972… when no contract with Chester Fox, Inc. existed. How was it then the Icelandic Chess Federation was bidding $125,000 (for which evidence should have been produced, confirming the prize money was being held “in escrow” and payable to the contestants upon demand when the terms and conditions had been met) yet, they made a bid, and now claim they DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY to pay the contestants without selling off the photography rights and keep repeating this claim over and over, presumably to generate sympathy. “oh how they can not pay their bills without those cameras!” is what the Soviet-controlled reports keep telling the world public. “Sympathy” is not what I am feeling toward the fraud and financial scam pulled like wool over they eyes of the chess community and public at large.
If a sports federation attempted to pull this scam in the United States, offering money as a prize, without actually having the funds “in escrow” they'd be publicly censured or potentially locked up for fraud and the guilty organizers barred from future operations in sports, forced retirement in public disgrace.
July 15, 1972

Soviet Disinformation about Fischer-Spassky Match 1972

Whose Move?

NON-NEGOTIABLE -->“Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Edmondson, USCF ([So why was Fischer soon to be shifted off to a back room for round #3, while cameras and the disruptive camera men crews, operating them, remain in the auditorium?])

Detroit Free Press Detroit, Michigan Tuesday, March 18, 1975 - Page 42

Whose Move?
Bobby Fischer may never play that championship chess match against Russian Anatoly Karpov, and not just because Bobby is a bit “temperamental”. Fischer is the victim of a Soviet plot, charges Ed. B. Edmondson, a U.S. chess official. Edmondson says the Soviets are attempting to set regulations they know Fischer will reject, in the hope that he'll forfeit the match and they'll get the world title back by default. “Maybe Karpov wants to play against Fischer, but his government does not want him to play,” said Edmondson.

([No, Karpov didn't want to play. Contemporary news reports of the era document Fischer making the offer numerous time, through numerous channels and Karpov dodged every offer, every single time and weaseled out of any actual confrontation, in contrast to Spassky who really did want to take Fischer up on his offer for a rematch, but the Soviet refused to allow Spassky to travel for it.])

Whose Move?Whose Move? 18 Mar 1975, Tue Detroit Free Press (Detroit, Michigan)

Petty Soviet Government-Controlled Newspapers

Here, an Evangelical “Christian” preacher gets in on the act, recycling the daily Soviet hubris that is shaping world opinion against Robert J. Fischer. Never mind the fact that Fischer has been forced into a volatile Anti-American haven that's ready to blow at any given moment. Reportedly, over public radio, already Fischer has had a threat made on his life, “…eight hours to get out of Iceland, or be…”. I wonder how Americans who had their sons killed or taken P.O.W. in the barbaric concentration camps during Korea or Viet Nam were feeling all this flagrant “Pro-Soviet favoritism” based entirely on Soviet-controlled and filtered news reports coming out of Iceland, thousands of miles away from within the seclusion of a small island that had no access to modern satellite communications, barriers to transmit fair, balanced news reports and organizers who made unlawful, unconstitutional “contracts” to bar mass media. Mr Preacher consumes and glibly repeats Soviet propaganda as if it were fact. Even the reporter from Moscow acknowledges, “…government-controlled newspapers…” are where Russians, and much of the world, are getting their disinformation. How about the Christians, Jews, Muslims locked up in Soviet concentration camps… you figure their families are so quick to cheer on Soviet barbarism? Shame on you, America.

How does Mr. Preacher man feel about RACISM? BARRING entry to people of color?

Rehashed Soviet Anti-American Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR
Fails to elaborate on the finicky, overbearing demands and complaints of European organizers who refused for months to sort out details before match. Belgrade's illegal demand of 35K USD "guarantee" refused by USCF! Australia's legal $225K bid snubbed by Russia, threatening they "would not play". USSR selecting Anti-American, Racist Iceland who restricted entry of blacks and news coverage. Schemes to disqualify Fischer and replace with Petrosian, etc.


“Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Edmondson, USCF

“instead tape film that didn't make any noise they had guys with film cameras that were..all around..making a racket..and visually you could see them moving around.”- R.J. Fischer


“At 11:58 P.M., two minutes before the deadline Cramer, handed a formal written protest to Schmid.” - Paul Marshall

Suspicious Money Trail Worthy of Investigation

Wind back the clock to when Iceland first made its $125,000 bid, along side Argentina and Mexico, among others. Did Iceland ever actually produce evidence it had $125,000 + enough funds to cover their expenses? Tucked away in a security fund or were they guilty of making a bid, with no actual assets to back it? If so, that's illegal in most countries. It's like offering a $125,000 grand prize sweepstakes, but not actually having the cash in a security account to offer the winner. Here in America that would be judged to be a False Advertising scam. They keep repeating the same claim, that the “entire financial structure depends on the movie camera money”. Remove all the movie money from the equation and ask yourself, “Where is Iceland's hard cold $125,000 in cash?” According to their claims, they don't have a dime to pay out for prize money or expenses without forcing those cameras and the disruptive camera men on Fischer to ruin his games. Since there's no proof that Iceland actually had the money — without Fox, we're led to suppose Iceland's “bid” was to be generated in the future from selling tickets, gate receipts, and make up the difference in costs “as they go along”. Was that their master plan? They've repeated the same claim, again and again, the soooo large $125,000 prize money was “only possible” due to a movie contract with a Chester Fox, that didn't actually exist before Iceland was awarded the venue, before Fischer and Spassky could agree to it.

Rehashed Soviet Anti-American Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSRRehashed Soviet Anti-American Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR 15 Jul 1972, Sat The Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)

Soviet-Russian Controlled FIDE's Prime Location for 1972: A Haven of Racism and Chauvenism

Some serious questions…how is it U.S. Foreign policy makers regard Saudi Arabia as one of the “great American allies” when Jews were not permitted entry into Saudi Arabia, along with Iceland, notoriously barring entry of black Americans and harboring bitter Anti-American sentiment was chosen by the Soviets to host the world tourney placing not only the lives of Robert Fischer and the American delegation in danger, but “Foreigners” in general, as well? I want the latter drilled into the minds of FIDE because they have some serious soul searching introspection to do and APOLOGIZING to the African and brown communities before bloviating about all their high and mighty efforts, now, too little too late to promote “equality” and “diversity” in chess. Their worst example of all, is they go on defending the malicious treatment of the greatest chess player in history, Robert J. Fischer. They stood back and participated in tormenting Fischer on basis of his traits of Autism Spectrum, and the fact he kept the same Sabbath as the Jews; Saturday Sabbath, lambasted as “temperamental”. Every time they open their mouth, they still can not refrain from pointing out so-called “obvious flaws”. It's time for a changing of the guard!

The Shreveport Journal Shreveport, Louisiana Thursday, September 26, 1963 - Page 9

On Air Force Policy—Rep. Waggoner Says Pentagon Hiding Order by Frank Van Der Linden, Journal Washington Bureau
Washington—Rep. Joe D. Waggonner, D-La., charges the Pentagon is deliberately concealing an Air Force regulation which has barred Negro airmen from Iceland and Jewish airmen from Saudi Arabia, Iran ([today, 2021, it should be noted a Jewish community dwells at peace within Iran]) and Pakistan.
Waggonner asked the Air Force for a copy of the order two months ago. He figured it would help his fight against Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's July 26 directive allowing military base commanders to declare segregated communities “off limits” to servicemen.
HAVING RECEIVED no direct answer, the congressman fired a hot letter to Air Force Secretary Eugene M. Zuckert and sent copies to President Kennedy, McNamara and every member of Congress.
“I can well understand the embarrassment my request has caused and the reluctance to furnish this document to me,” Waggonner wrote, “The policy of not allowing Negro and Jewish members of the Air Force to be send to certain nations is at complete variance with recent lavishly publicized statements of “equality” of treatment for Negroes, and I am interested in learning how these two opposing no-discrimination policies are in effect at one and the same time. We cannot justify one policy in effect at home and another in effect abroad.
“I UNDERSTAND the document in question may be undergoing a hasty revision, perhaps, even as a result of my request for a copy of it.”
Waggonner's office said the regulation, adopted in 1960 reads: “Negro personnel will not be assigned for duty to USAF units located in Iceland” and “personnel of the Jewish faith or Jewish extraction will not be assigned to units in Saudi Arabia … Iran or Pakistan.”
The refusal to furnish him a copy, he said, is “a calculated and deliberate rebuff to a member of Congress.”

On Air Force PolicyOn Air Force Policy 26 Sep 1963, Thu The Shreveport Journal (Shreveport, Louisiana)

A Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Bigotry and Intolerance the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 Tournament

The Marion Star Marion, Ohio Saturday, July 15, 1972 - Page 1

A Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Bigotry and Intolerance the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 Tournament

One of the participants on a radio talk show proposed that “Fischer and all the foreign reporters be given eight hours to get out of Iceland or be shot.”

Now why would the American delegation possibly “demand” police protection. Does the upper echelons of the chess establishment ever remind anyone in the chess community of the bitter atmosphere full of racist, chauvinist hostility, and the fact the Soviet Union... selected... and FORCED this specific, notoriously inhospitable location on Robert Fischer? No? Of course not, because its “old hands” are still running the show.

A Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Hostility the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 TournamentA Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Hostility the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 Tournament 15 Jul 1972, Sat The Marion Star (Marion, Ohio)

From the 1971 Taimanov-Fischer tournament hosted in Vancouver B.C., Canada, all available 1971 contemporary news reports were reposted here, chronologically and we learned in spite of the Soviet delegation's biting, insulting ridicule of the host country University's campus, threats were made by the Soviets, including one prohibiting Spassky to play in Canada! Not by the Canadians, but the Soviets, rather than maintaining a calm, polite, professional, gracious composure. Where was the Soviet show of gratitude to their Canadian host? How many Canadians or American “provincialists” were featured in radio talk shows, verbally endangering the lives of their Soviet visitors? Or when Larsen and Fischer had their tournament in Denver, Colorado, and Larsen complained about the climate? How many American “provincialists” participated in radio talk show, giving Larsen cause to fear for his life? How many Argentinian “provincialists” made Petrosian feel his life was in danger?

Why isn't FIDE bringing this up, and recycling... recycling... recycling... recycling... recycling... I take SERIOUS issue with it, when our citizens are having their lives threatened. And the implicit unwelcoming emphasis on “foreigner” did not escape me.

Destruction of Chess Popularity in America Was a Small Price to Pay for Soviet Glory

Whose still under the false belief that denigrating Robert Fischer somehow equates with “promotion of chess”? Those who are, are a fool consigned to a small pocket of the globe and will remain ostracized there along with their distorted opinion, on the fringe proving how little they know about history, much less, the American culture. Robert Fischer DID CARE what the papers reported about his character, his chess career and was personally incensed by the false, defamatory statements filtered into American press by Soviet collaborators from 1955 till the present. The lies bothered him deeply. Most “sensational headlines” written about Robert Fischer are utter fabrications, twisted out of context, or the result of calculated diversion tactics, to take focus off Soviet misconduct because Fischer was not one to stand idly by and silent where corruption existed, and they have most certainly, conclusively, documented the overabundance of evidence to establish, beyond a scintilla of a doubt, Soviets CHEATED… and Fischer's allegations came only on the tail-end of his many contemporaries and predecessors abroad, making the same charges, the likes of Edward Lasker, published in 1950! Observations suggesting the “Reds Cheat” was only par for the course in 1950s western media.
At first the complaint wasn't given as much attention, though it was known throughout chess circles, was that Soviets were worthy of far greater headlines, arm deep in “cheating” “lying” “stealing” “treasonable offenses” on scale with “Cold War” maneuvers; threats of nuclear missiles, a-bomb testing and building of bomb shelters. Spies and espionage, everyone wary of their neighbor and the FBI chock full of investigations of subversives right through the McCarthy Era. A great chess game played out in real life.
But Fischer's appearance on the scene brought the Cold War and “Soviet Cheating” worthy of national headline news, down to the size of a chess board and his article in Sports Illustrated gained national attention, including attention of the Soviets, who began maligning Fischer all the more in international headlines — and vilifying his personal character.
When Fischer reverently observed our Saturday Sabbath, he was denounced as “temperamental” by both Soviet press in the East and a staunchly Xtian Fundamentalist dominated press in the West, who were collectively a bitter bunch of Anti-Semites. Had he stayed out of the tournament in Tunisia, over, say observance of the SUNDAY Sabbath, the fundamentalist element in Western press would've rushed to Fischer's defense, without hesitation. They'd raked the Soviets over the coals, had they spoken against a Sunday Sabbath keeper.
Reports on Fischer's “bad behavior” are sourced from reports coming out from European Centers such as Reykjavik, Moscow and other hot spots for Soviet activity … “toxic sources” whose intent was NEVER to promote chess, but to knock Fischer's support base from under him. The next time anyone encounters those who repeat the Anti-Semite jibes about “temperamental” remember the kids whose parents were turned off by Soviet disinformation churned out as a flood in American press, as the Soviets were aiming to drive a wedge between Americans, and the world of chess. The Soviets, in greed for glorious self-gratification, were out to DESTROY the game. All or nothing. Winning is Everything. Just as they sacrificed the very lives of their own athletes through dangerous behind-the-scenes doping, which eventually led to numerous scandals, all so the Soviet could win some gold medals and bloviate on the supremacy of the Soviet system.

Rehashed Soviet Anti-American Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSRRehashed Soviet Anti-American Invective to Turn Public Interest Away From Fischer's Defeat of USSR 15 Jul 1972, Sat The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii)

What It's Like to Be Brainwashed by Soviet and Nazi Propaganda

“But His Gripes Are to Be Heard” says the headline in American newspapers. Those gripes were legitimate grievances, LEGAL, IN THE CONTRACT, according to Col. Edmondson of the US Chess Federation, and Fischer fully within his rights to demand the cameras removed. So why didn't the Soviet/Icelandic officials oblige? The Soviets didn't want to give Fischer a “hearing” The Soviet wanted to continue bombarding Fischer's view with a flock of disruptive camera men, to blow his concentration and throw ill-gotten points to the Soviets, or perhaps Soviet stubbornness would wear down the challenger's resistance, so he'd simply leave Reykjavik and then the Soviet get what it wanted all along -- the title. When the Soviets stubbornly refused to obey the rules, against all prior agreements, to withdraw their army of camera men, Fischer set out Game #2 in boycott. And for doing so, doing what was CORRECT TO DO, the Soviet unleashed another flood of anti-American propaganda… ah, Fischer is merely being “temperamental”.

American chess players, too stupefied to actually know, or even suspect what was occurring behind the Iron Curtain of Soviet secrecy, assumed their national champion must be “the bad guy” after all, that's what the Soviets are reporting to us, daily in the news media. Chess enthusiasts assuming, “The daily news wouldn't spoon-feed us a full-fledged anti-American propaganda… would they?” Fischer, demanding RULES BE ENFORCED over legitimate grievances of camera men crawling on the roof, bumping and scuffling from the side of the stage, one crew reported a mere 15 feet from Fischer is minimized as mere “gripes”.

To which, no doubt, some Americans may have even laughed, from brain-freeze, while the Soviets are engaged in a plot to steal the national prestige. Winning is everything, after all. Since the Soviet was refusing to provide the kind of camera coverage Fischer had expected, “instead of some kind of video tape film that didn't make any noise, just, nobody around to operate them [Cameras]…” automated video, the Soviets brought in Men … People … in crews of up to three, to tirelessly get in Fischer's face, with cameras, that were certainly not “hidden” as the campaign of disinformation reported to Americans.
On the contrary, the Soviets were brazenly breaking the rules, misleading American chess players right from their own daily newspapers to believe the “whole structure of the match DEPENDS on the presence of these cameras! — boo hoo — but if that were so, then why didn't Australia or Mexico “must need sale movie rights” no no! Australia and Mexico had the cash payout ready… cameras or no cameras… Australia and Mexico and Argentina could actually put their money where their mouth is! “Hidden” behind curtains” bah!! Completely invisible! Bah! Americans then shed tears for the poor “victimized” Soviets, applauding the Soviets for cheating in chess and lying to them in the daily newspapers. As Fischer emphasizes, “they just had guys there with film cameras that were worrying, and they were all around me. Making a racket. A nuisance. … Too much noise, and visually you could see them moving around.” But American chessplayers, brainwashed by the dazzling confusion of Soviet propaganda, were applauding the Soviets as they stole the title from under the nose of citizens of the United States.

Too many false reports exist in these articles, that it would take volumes to dissect every lack of logic in the claims that turned up in U.S. Newspapers.. There was simply no alternative but for Iceland to place a herd of noisy, disruptive men all around Fischer, disrupting his concentration to throw points to the Soviets! No other alternative existed according to Icelandic and Soviet Chess officials, such as putting “some kind of video tape film that didn't make any noise, nobody around to operate them…” it was all or nothing for the Soviet… to blow Fischer's mind with noise and disruptive camera men, till Fischer DEMANDS the cameras be removed.

Then, at last! The Soviets can wring its hands in delight that they have successfully buried coverage of the match, as was their intent from the beginning… and Robert Fischer knew that, having commented on the intent of Soviets, months before:
“‘Iceland is a dreadful place to hold the matches.’ Fischer told some intimates in some of his rare conversations between tennis sessions.
‘But I realize why they wanted Iceland.
‘They are aware that I am going to win and they want the least possible exposure. Iceland is one place that there it is not possible even to use a television satellite.
‘Chess is a big propaganda vehicle with the Russians.’”

World Title Match in Secret
“…He also says the television coverage will be limited. If he beats Spassky, he doesn't see why it should be some kind of secret.
“…THE WORLD champion has the right to pick the site of the championships,” says Fischer.
“Spassky wasn't even there when the international governing body chose the site. A Russian delegation was there and they picked the site.”

Americans, under the influence of the Soviet Koolaid, cheered on the Soviets with every daily newsbreak, riddled full of unethical Soviet propaganda, filling their daily newspapers with disinformation.

Again, Spassky was awarded the point for the 2nd match, in spite that the American team has done exactly what they were supposed to do to AVOID A FORFEIT: Turning in an formal, written protest demanding Icelandic officials enforce the rules on the removal of the disruptive camera men (which Fischer was fully entitled to demand done), two minutes before the deadline! But ethics were tossed out the window, and so much noise in American papers, that chess enthusiasts were kept in the dark. In fair play, there would've been no forfeit, but the game should've been postponed, till the officials called for an official hearing, and according to the rules, the cameras removed (as the contract demanded.) But the Soviets simply flicked the rules under the rug and took the point for themselves… and the brainwashed American chessplayers contentedly continued cheering for the Soviets.

Robert Fischer Boycotts Second Match in Protest Against Men Hired to Disruptively Operate CamerasRobert Fischer Boycotts Second Match in Protest Against Men Hired to Disruptively Operate Cameras 14 Jul 1972, Fri The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware)

Soviet-Controlled Iceland Breaks the Rules, So its Lackeys Back in U.S. Have Excuse to Call Robert Fischer "Erratic"

For anyone who still does not understand how and why Fischer was accused of being "temperamental" and "erratic," then turn the clock back to Tunisia, 1967

November 12, 1967: “He had been competing until recently in the worldwide competition to pick a challenger for a match against Soviet World Champion Tigran Petrosian. Fischer was leading in the key interzonal tourney in Sousse, Tunisia, and although chess is his very life, he dropped out of the tournament because officials would not reschedule his matches to permit him not to play on Saturday.”

The Soviet scores, knocking Fischer out of the running by Anti-Semitic scheming plots against people who keep the same Sabbath as the Jews.

July 14, 1972: “…ran into difficulties last week because of Fischer's erratic behavior.”.

Because of Fischer's “erratic behavior” not because of disruptive camera men… no. Couldn't be. The cameras were just sitting there…silent… no “hidden” the Soviet narrative claims! Breaking the rules, hoping to knock Fischer out of the running again, by red tape, by disseminating disinformation to the world, knowing that “Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Colonel Edmund Edmondson, US Chess Federation.

Now, was it really the “inanimate cameras,” the Soviet so desperately tried to misinform the west, that Fischer was supposedly upset over, any more than there was some kind of contractual and obligatory requirement for cameras to be stuck in Fischer's face the entirety of the 1972 tournament? Was Fischer merely trying to be “oppositional” without just cause as is insinuated by such cynical Soviet journalism? Why of course not! According to Fischer, there was much more to it…

“…instead tape film that didn't make any noise they had guys with film cameras that were..all around..making a racket..and visually you could see them moving around.”- R.J. Fischer

Whoops, somehow, 1000s of news clippings poured into the papers, and there's no mention of these disruptive crews of men making excessive noise and commotion.

Denormalization and Noise... an Argument Fallacy

"Pouting" = "Demand Organizers Adhere to Fair, Ethical Rules"

Denormalization and Noise... Argument Fallacy
Here, for behaving perfectly NORMAL whilst protesting illegal actions by organizers, Fischer's normal everyday actions are “denormalized” by Soviet propaganda; e.g., he was sleeping, he was in his suite, he was pouting, he was this and that and the other, he was also fully within his legal right to protest rule-breaking by Icelandic officials CONSPIRING against him. What was Fischer suppose to do? Go for a swim? They'd criticize that. Perhaps, go out to a restaurant. They'd criticized and scrutinized that. Perhaps fishing. They'd criticized and scrutinized that also.

What is a man suppose to do, when he is justifiably boycotting rule-breaking officials? Then a flood of “noise” a plethora of such abnormal depictions painting Fischer into the corner with bad light. The main rule the Soviets follow is to always be more outspoken than their victims. Many Americans would not know what to make of all the “Noise” so many, many biased reports in American newspapers. Surely with so many critical articles painting Fischer in a bad light, surely, there's justification... no? so they hop aboard the bandwagon. At least that is the hope of the Soviet tournament organizers.

Since the tournament was secluded by the calculated maneuvers of the Soviet Empire, thousands of miles from Fischer's home, it was next to impossible to sort fact from the fiction that turns up in American newspapers. But here it is, from day one, says Col. Edmondson, “Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” But the rules were ignored by Icelandic officials, breaking the rules and demanding camera crews up to three men, be placed in close proximity of Fischer to be permitted to illegally disturb Game #1... which of course, Fischer lost, and as relayed by Paul Marshall the attorney of Robert Fischer, “Bobby told me, ‘I can't think, it's a distraction.’” Then came Game #2 which would repeat the same results for Fischer. What was Fischer to do?

Fischer raised issue with the disruptions of camera and the men operating them, early on, before Game #1 began. He was wrongly criticized in the press, with Americans being misled to believe Fischer was merely “being difficult” and accusing Fischer of acting "illegally," as if some rule were broke, but Fischer was well within his rights, all along, to object. But the articles generated from Soviet-controlled Iceland, turn reality inside-out, and portray events as if Fischer is breaking the rules, to generate sympathy for the Soviets. Fischer's repeated demand, for the cameras and the crews of men operating them to be removed, was fully legal and ethical, as stated by the man who helped originally draft the agreement.

Since the officials stubbornly refused to abide by the rules, Fischer issues official protest, and sets out in official boycott by Game #2. Fischer, according to Isaac Kashdan's report, is unaware his protest must be submitted in writing, and therefore, according to Paul Marshall, “At 11:58 P.M., two minutes before the deadline Cramer, handed a formal written protest to Schmid.”

All along, these officials were fully aware they were breaking the rules. In spite of a legal, binding written protest delivered two minutes before the deadline, the point was forfeited by officials to the Soviets. All the while this Soviet drama was being played out to sour American opinion of Robert Fischer in U.S. Newspapers, led astray by the false narrative that Fischer's “spoiled” complaints were aimed at “inanimate” cameras. Never do the Soviet employed journalists bother mentioning, “instead tape film that didn't make any noise they had guys with film cameras that were..all around..making a racket..and visually you could see them moving around.”- Robert J. Fischer

Robert Fischer Boycotts Second Match in Protest Against Men Hired to Disruptively Operate CamerasRobert Fischer Boycotts Second Match in Protest Against Men Hired to Disruptively Operate Cameras 14 Jul 1972, Fri The Call-Leader (Elwood, Indiana)

This argument fallacy of “Denormalization” and deafening “Noise” was also perpetrated, over a century ago. To convince the world that Paul Morphy had fallen into a state of derangement, the biased reporters would denormalize something as simple as “walking with a cane,” just as millions of other normal gentlemen of the era did, but is described in a manner, to “denormalize” the act of walking with a cane, to “denormalize” the man. Morphy would “stroll and twirling his little cane, talking to himself.” is one example that was repeated in these dehumanizing descriptions, over and over again, and particularly destructive to his reputation. Repeating and republishing defamatory remarks till nothing is left today, in modern literature, of the numerous witnesses, family and friends, who came forward, protesting such cruel remarks published in public press. Even Morphy himself, maintaining his calm against the onslaught of defamation, spoke on some occasions, attempting to make “light humor” of their disparaging remarks in the malignant press, attempting to vindicate himself against such bitter predators spreading defamation in chess circles and public newspapers. It is well documented that due to prejudices revolving around the Civil War, Northern Chess Circles bitterly persecuted Morphy, even clear examples of rewriting his history, denial he once again appeared in New York and Washington, post war to resume his chess activities, but his enemies tried to write these events out of history. Morphy, who was born a Creole in Louisiana (a southern state), and till this day, descendants of Morphy's detractors have obstructed historical accuracy by promoting the fiction that “slaves could not own property” (when in fact, many slaves and “free men” did indeed own property, laws, legal ownership of property, depended entirely upon one's state of residency). Such ahistorical distortions have been used by racists to propose since Morphy's grandmother owned some property, it was therefore “impossible” for Paul Morphy's grandmother to have been of African descent. But that is not so, on the contrary, some slaves did own property in the southern states, as did freed men (former slaves), and decades before the Civil War, Indians, Free Men and White settlers in what was the Louisiana territory intermarried, as there was no law forbidding it, therefore, since Morphy was Creole, it is more than probable that his grandmother, may have been of African descent. “Noise”. So much noise, to drown out what is normal, factual, denial by biased critics who must create a lot of unnecessary “Noise” and distractions to mislead readers that merely imitates “substance”. But is nothing more than a lot of incoherent, contradictory talking about nothing, till the 2 or 3 factual sources reported in a New Orleans paper or the New York Times, were drowned out, and presumably forgotten.

Who will regulate Facebook's overreach?

Recently, on U.S. television I've been noticing a most disturbing commercial, Facebook repetitively broadcasts its support for "Internet regulations". I'm asking myself some serious questions, since criticism of "CHRISTIAN ZIONISM" is now off the table? CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS like Steve Bannon (adviser of Trump), who admit they do not want Jews living in their midst, don't want their children attending in the same schools as Jewish children, and pressures Jews to move to Palestine, knowing the military dangers, and knowing an ongoing escalating refugee crisis is the result of U.S. 3.8 billion dollars in military funding, endangers both Jews and Palestinians. "XTIAN ZIONISM" and its history of Antisemitism... yes, this page was recently threatened with "Unpublishing" for criticizing Nazis and Xtian Zionism... ACLU.

Is Facebook aware that CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS, are NOT Jews and that Judaism and Zionism are NOT synonymous... surely they are, and according to XTIAN ZIONIST theology, all the Jews are to be forced by "divine retribution" to return to Palestine, drive out the inhabitants, and then cometh the Apocalypse and a smattering of Jews, the remnant of which are forced to convert to Xtianity or else (

Why Antisemites Love Israel

It's occurring across America – a phenomenon in which antisemites are also pro-Israel. Here's how that's even possible.

Posted by AJ+'s Newsbroke on Friday, January 26, 2018

Facebook will threaten to unpublish a page on its "private business" IF you criticize Nazis and CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS, because that's the "crime" against their policies a moderator claimed... and, actually, the post was absent of criticism of Jews, but criticism of a century old political movement which was started by Christians, "Zionism" a non-religious political movement to acquire land, resources, and major backers were White Supremacist colonialists.

IN SPITE of Jewish scholars who try to educate the public that part of Anti-Semitism is a direct result of the "Myth of the Jewish Race" which was a favorite theme in Adolf Hitler's propaganda machinery, that, the post in question was an attempt to educate the public about, and was promptly used as an excuse by Facebook to "Unpublish" this page. Facebook supports updated Internet regulations? My final question is this, because I am led to presume, Facebook has its own misguided political bias: "Who will regulate Facebook's overreach?"

Recently, on U.S. television I've been noticing a most disturbing commercial, Facebook repetitively broadcasts its...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Sunday, August 1, 2021

What happens everywhere there is Repression?
USA Today states: “…It took just 15 minutes for Facebook to delete her post for violating its community standards for h*te speech. And she was warned if she posted it again, she'd be banned for 72 hours. Wysinger glared at her phone, but wasn't surprised. She says black people can't talk about racism on Facebook without risking having their posts removed and being locked out of their accounts in a punishment commonly referred to as “Facebook jail.”
“It is exhausting,” she says, “and it drains you emotionally.”
Black activists say h*te speech policies and content moderation systems formulated by a company built by and dominated by white men fail the very people Facebook claims it's trying to protect. Not only are the voices of marginalized groups disproportionately stifled, Facebook rarely takes action on repeated reports of racial slurs, violent threats and harassment campaigns targeting black users, they say.
Many of these users now think twice before posting updates on Facebook or they limit how widely their posts are shared. Yet few can afford to leave the single-largest and most powerful social media platform for sharing information and creating community.”

Really? Is Facebook "too big to fail"? According to reports, around 15,000,000 (fifteen million) users have already left, rather than to face the iron boot of bureaucracy on their neck, and for simply being human, who values respect for their privacy and personal rights.

What happens everywhere there is Repression? USA Today states: "...It took just 15 minutes for Facebook to delete her...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Monday, August 2, 2021

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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