For anyone who still does not understand how and why Fischer was accused of being "temperamental" and "erratic," then turn the clock back to Tunisia, 1967
November 12, 1967: “He had been competing until recently in the worldwide competition to pick a challenger for a match against Soviet World Champion Tigran Petrosian. Fischer was leading in the key interzonal tourney in Sousse, Tunisia, and although chess is his very life, he dropped out of the tournament because officials would not reschedule his matches to permit him not to play on Saturday.”
The Soviet scores, knocking Fischer out of the running by Anti-Semitic scheming plots against people who keep the same Sabbath as the Jews.
July 14, 1972: “…ran into difficulties last week because of Fischer's erratic behavior.”.
Because of Fischer's “erratic behavior” not because of disruptive camera men… no. Couldn't be. The cameras were just sitting there…silent… no “hidden” the Soviet narrative claims! Breaking the rules, hoping to knock Fischer out of the running again, by red tape, by disseminating disinformation to the world, knowing that “Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Colonel Edmund Edmondson, US Chess Federation.
Now, was it really the “inanimate cameras,” the Soviet so desperately tried to misinform the west, that Fischer was supposedly upset over, any more than there was some kind of contractual and obligatory requirement for cameras to be stuck in Fischer's face the entirety of the 1972 tournament? Was Fischer merely trying to be “oppositional” without just cause as is insinuated by such cynical Soviet journalism? Why of course not! According to Fischer, there was much more to it…
“…instead tape film that didn't make any noise they had guys with film cameras that were..all around..making a racket..and visually you could see them moving around.”- R.J. Fischer
Whoops, somehow, 1000s of news clippings poured into the papers, and there's no mention of these disruptive crews of men making excessive noise and commotion.