The chess establishment has done nothing of significance, or substance for that matter, to enlighten the chess world, one iota as to what Robert J. Fischer was on about with his warnings of world doom when he spoke of the “Bolsheviks” and their ‘world conspirings’. I will leave it up to people to find the initiative to do the research for themselves, from credible peer-reviewed sources such as original historical documentation and insight composed by trustworthy historical scholars. And beware the Soviet sympathizers, they outright deny the fact that a paper trail of bank notes and memorandum directly links the Pan-Germanic Empire during World War I, to the traitors against the Socialist Revolution, Lenin and Trotsky ( who brought ruin to Russia and Europe, following the Revolution carried out by citizens of Russia who deposed the aristocratic Tsar and then followed with a new democratically elected Alexander Kerensky as the leader of the Russian Provisional Government.
The traitors, Lenin, Trotsky and some of the Bolsheviks, who were spies, Imperialist traitors did not want the free democratic government established by the Russian people. No, they wanted more Imperialism, and founded the Soviet Empire, with the backing of German Imperialism. Lenin was transported back into Russia via aide of the German Reichsbank, and overthrew the Russian people then began methodically eliminating all opponents of the Bolsheviks, including many Bolsheviks among them who opposed Lenin. A Socialist, Fanya Kaplan did her part to attempt liquidation of the traitor Lenin, but unfortunately he survived a short season, only to be succeeded by the tyrant Stalin. With the help of Lenin's loyal, admirer, Adolf Hitler, millions of Socialists were brought to their demise and erased from history. Then, Hitler would re-educate the world to wrongly believe the Germano-Bolshevik treason, was an act of “Judeo-Bolshevism” through long-winded tyrades and harping, blaming the Jews for the destruction of Russia which led to the Holocaust. But on the contrary, the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy Myth” is just that: A Myth to divert blame off the German Empire and further unsavory agendas, with a double-edge purpose so that Industrialist shills like Lenin, Stalin, and tyranny inc., were bedecked in stolen plumage, for every form of worldwide social progress, justice and equity achieved, would be credited to tyrants, throughout the next century. i.e., Martin Luther King was NO SUPPORTER OF BOLSHEVISM, yet Soviet loyalists often make their rounds on social media stamping their hammer and sickle on MLK's legacy whilst Nazis fill their quota of political disinformation, to misguide people into the false assumption “the only Socialism, is Soviet.”
Martin Luther King was a civil rights activist, and no Soviet Communist. See “Lovett Forte-Whiteman”. In Soviet Russia, King would've been declared an enemy of the state and worked in Gulag slave labor and starved to death. Deny as they will, the documents exist linking the Bolsheviks to Capitalist financiers who profited very well from the enslavement of Russia.. and those documents were no “forgery” as Soviet and their Nazi “comrades” have worked so diligently, spreading disinformation throughout the world and misled many. Soviets must protect the identity of their true financial backers, and war upon disadvantaged classes of people.
How America (Wall Street Industrialists) Helped Build The Soviet Machine