NON-NEGOTIABLE -->“Under agreed rules of the match, [Fischer] had the right to object and to demand removal of the cameras if they disturbed him.” -Edmondson, USCF ([So why was Fischer soon to be shifted off to a back room for round #3, while cameras and the disruptive camera men crews, operating them, remain in the auditorium?])
Detroit Free Press Detroit, Michigan Tuesday, March 18, 1975 - Page 42
Whose Move?
Bobby Fischer may never play that championship chess match against Russian Anatoly Karpov, and not just because Bobby is a bit “temperamental”. Fischer is the victim of a Soviet plot, charges Ed. B. Edmondson, a U.S. chess official. Edmondson says the Soviets are attempting to set regulations they know Fischer will reject, in the hope that he'll forfeit the match and they'll get the world title back by default. “Maybe Karpov wants to play against Fischer, but his government does not want him to play,” said Edmondson.
([No, Karpov didn't want to play. Contemporary news reports of the era document Fischer making the offer numerous time, through numerous channels and Karpov dodged every offer, every single time and weaseled out of any actual confrontation, in contrast to Spassky who really did want to take Fischer up on his offer for a rematch, but the Soviet refused to allow Spassky to travel for it.])