This is an often repeated myth. There is NO EVIDENCE that Fischer had an IQ anywhere near “183”. Others report “180” … “…Although he has a high IQ of 130 or 140…” -Arthur Feuerstein but here's video recording of Bobby Fischer not only confirming he does NOT know his IQ, but more importantly: HE DOES NOT WANT TO DISCUSS it. Observe his reaction and you sense Bobby is getting agitated and wants to change the subject… “People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.” —Stephen Hawking
Bobby says, they tested him, but (14:02 / 21:10) never gave him the score:
The closest any contemporary report comes to quoting "school officials," St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis, Missouri Wednesday, January 22, 1958
"..Said to be of generally superior intelligence by school authorities, Bobby is no better than an average student."
Report that Bobby Fischer's IQ was tested by Erasmus Hall High School (Superior Intelligence Range)
The Atlanta Constitution Atlanta, Georgia Thursday, July 13, 1972 - Page 6
“A higher I.Q. tends to make a better chess player. ([NO EVIDENCE is provided to support the score given for Fischer's supposed intelligence quotient)] but not always; a Georgia Tech student with an I.Q. of at least 130 could be beaten by somebody with an I.Q. of 100.”
([Meanwhile, it might take a superior IQ to be Rembrandt and paint a Rembrandt. But there was only one Rembrandt just as there was only one Fischer. The artistry speaks for itself, whether Rembrandt or a Fischer… artistic potential can not be ascertained by IQ scores. It is comparing apples to oranges.])