Those who pretend there was simply nothing out of the ordinary when Fischer was up to challenging the Soviet Empire, obviously weren't regularly reading their daily newspaper. The “crimes against human rights” was the plea Hitler and his band of hacks used to incite Germans and most of Europe into a frenzy against the Jews. “Crimes against human rights” was the tactics Soviet ideology peddlers used to gain sympathy against the “decadent west,” while carrying out their own crimes against humanities. Most recently, with the U.S./U.S.S.R. Cold War a footnote in history, George Bush and ilk resort to the same scare tactics, to incite Americans to support the “Bush War of Terror” and invasion of the middle east, “Seven Countries in Five Years” was the pre-planned battle plan for profit. Now why should Bobby Fischer NOT relate to such propaganda published in American news papers and media and religious outlets… Henry Kissinger sure related, enough to tell Nixon, “…if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern.” Especially our church. Armstrong had us believe the Soviet Union provided special treatment to followers of his WCG cult, citing one case of an East German believer allowed to cross over from territory controlled by Soviet Union, just to join his congregation in West Germany for Sabbath sermons, after which the member faithfully returned home, which was attributed to an “act of God's special protections on members” and just maybe, they did since the WCG was one of the worst kind of mind control experiments in human history.
The Miami News Miami, Florida Wednesday, July 12, 1972 - Page 12
I Received a Letter from Nixon
I have the permission to make it public. It is long. Therefore, I will give only excerpts.
“More and more talk is heard about 'accommodations' 'disengagements' and other devices which add up to approval of Soviet domination in Europe . . . The issue is freedom or slavery. The Communist governments impose slavery on the free world. The U.S. government can do nothing less than to bring freedom to the Communist world.”
“I think the crime committed by Kosygin and his Communist puppets in Czechoslovakia was so great . . . that . . . when he refused to withdraw his troops from Prague, the United States should have broken off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union . . . when the puppet, Husake government was set up . . . a government in exile should have been recognized.”
“Nothing should be done for any of the Communist governments unless its effect will be to help the people get relief from oppression.”
So much I quote from the lengthy letter. I know that most people will be amazed. It does not look like Nixon's actual policy at all. Have I really received such a letter?
You can read it for yourself. It is an article written by Nixon in Readers Digest of February, 1964. I have taken only one liberty in transcribing this article: I put Kosygin instead of Khrushchev, Czechoslovakia instead of Hungary, and Husak instead of Kadara.
While I am still waiting for Nixon to fulfill the above promises like many he has not fulfilled, in Communist dungeons Christians are killed by the thousands.
Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who spent himself 14 years in communist prisons, describes in his books the courageous acts of faith of our suffering Christian brethren in communist countries.
Be interested in the plight of our persecuted brethren behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.